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Stadium Update: Irish Independent Park

16th September 2014 By Munster Rugby

Stadium Update: Irish Independent Park

Now five months into the build, we take a look at the progress made on the redevelopment of Irish Independent Park (formerly Musgrave Park).

With BAM appointed as the main contractor, the €;3.2m project will see the construction of a new West Sand – increasing the stadium’s overall capacity to 9,500, a new covering on the existing East Terrace, and a major overhaul of facilities for both fans and players alike.

Rebranding the stadium Irish Independent Park is one of the key elements of an exciting 10 year partnership agreement between Munster Rugby and Independent News and Media.

The West Stand.
Running the length of the pitch and seating 3,500, the new West Stand will be the main feature of the redevelopment. To date, the bulk excavation has been completed, foundations have been poured, floor slabs have been finished and BAM are three weeks into an eight week programme for the erection of the precast concrete frame.

Brickwork will commence this week, before the completion of the precast frame. Brickworkers will follow on behind the construction of each precast section, with mechanical and electrical workers then following suit, fitting out and putting a finish to each section of the stand.

Installation of seating will begin in November.

The precast frame of the new West Stand.

The East Terrace.
With financial support from the Munster Rugby Supporters Club, the East Terrace will now be covered from endline to endline. The steel structure for the new cover is due for completion, on schedule, at the end of this week, with cladding and sheeting work on the frame to commence in the next ten days. External works such as drainage and ducting has also begun, with contactors already liaising with utility providers for connections to their networks in a process that generally takes six to eight weeks.

The steel structure for the new East Terrace cover is almost complete.

Conor Nolan, Site Agent with BAM, on the progress being made at Musgrave Park. “Things are going well on site. We have on average about 16 or 17 men on the site daily, and this may increase once the blockwork commences. Block work should start this Wednesday or Thursday and I’m delighted to say we’re a week ahead of schedule with that.

“We’ve been spoilt with the good weather of August and September. Dry weather is definitely a help in this type of build.

“As a whole the project is on time and due to finish in the middle to end of December.”

For artist's impressions and more details on facilities at the new Irish Independent Park please click here.


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