Club Notes: Week Ending 06.07.14
1st July 2014 By Munster Rugby

This week’s club notes come from Richmond RFC.
Courtesy of: Natalie McNamara, Richmond PRO
Richmond RFC hold their third Annual Cycle to Kilkee
Our 2014/15 season kicks off with the Cycle to Kilkee this Saturday, 5th July. Last season’s cycle saw 40 cyclists participate in what was a great event for the club. This year we have up to 55 cyclists doing either of the routes to Kilkee.
Our extreme cyclists will leave at 7.30am on “The Big Route” which is a must for those that want to test their fitness levels. This route will start in Limerick, head to Ennis via the back roads (avoiding the Motorway), and on to Kilkee. Route two – “The Smaller Route” may suit the more casual cyclist leaving at 9am from the club to Coonagh, transferred to Ennis by car (over the Motorway restrictions on cyclists) and then cycle from Ennis to Kilkee meeting up with the extreme cyclists in Ennis. Sponsor cards are now available for anyone interested in doing the cycle.
Refreshments will be severed at all 3 stops along the route. Please note this is not a race but a Leisure cycle. Cycle T-Shirts will be available for collection on Thursday for all cyclists, anyone else interested in getting a T-shirt we have a limited Qty available for Sale from the Cycle committee.
There will be a welcoming reception in Kilkee on the cyclists arrival. After spending the day cycling we have a host of activities in Kilkee; starting with a Pub Crawl kicking off at 6pm with fun and games in each pub. The party will continue on to Myles Creek Pub; where there will be Complimentary Entry into the nightclub for all the cyclists.
All Bikes will be stored in Kilkee and transferred back to Limerick for free, and available in the club from Tuesday evening.
Special Thanks to all our sponsors that helped out with the cycle – Scott’s Bar, Myles Creek Bar, Murphy Blacks Restaurant, Ishka, O’Mara’s Bar, Mace, Hickies Bar, Nolan’s Deli, Marrinans Bar for their generous help with the cycle. The event would not be possible without the huge effort of the Cycle Committee.
More details to follow over the next few days on out Twitter and Facebook Pages.