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Have Your Say

4th February 2005 By Munster Rugby

Have Your Say

Want to have your say on issues concerning rugby in Munster ? Or indeed on any issue about rugby in the country ? Then we invite you to Have Your Say

Want to have your say on issues concerning rugby in Munster ? Or indeed on any issue about rugby in the country ? Then we invite you to Have Your Say on the site by sending a letter to The Editor at editor@munsterrugby.ie.

Letters that fit the guidelines set down will be published on the site and we will be offering various prizes for what is adjudged, The Letter Of The Month. For example, the winner of the Letter of The Month for February will win four tickets for the Celtic League game v Ulster in Musgrave Park in early March.

Guidelines: – Letters can be any length up to 300 words.

– Name, address and email or daytime contact number must be supplied

– Letters will be published with the senders name as in Joe Black – Tralee. unless sender requests otherwise in which case in will appear as, Joe – Tralee.

– Letters without verification will not be read never mind published on the site.

– Letter writers will be contacted either by phone or e-mail to acknowledge receipt.

So come and Have Your Say and to encourage your participation we will offer the prize of a Munster jersey to the person who is the first to have a letter published on the site.



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